Good parenting tips

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Thursday, February 20, 2020 - 10:59am

It takes a lot of work to be a good parent. Not all kids will have the opportunity to grow up in an environment that is loving and nurturing. It is the responsibility of parents to provide such an environment to ensure that the kids are growing up to be respectful members of society. You’ve probably been Googling on what makes a good parent when you have moments of self-doubt. This is something that is normal. There are some key traits that a lot of good parents possess and we’re going to highlight some of them.

A Good Role Model

Your children will always be looking up to you since you live under the same roof. It is important that you’re walking the talk since children learn a lot from their behavior. You don’t want to be saying one thing yet your actions are reflecting different things. Humans are special since we learn from imitation. This is particularly true for the younger folk. They will be observing everything the parent is doing or saying. If the kid starts to curse at a young age then that will have to do with the upbringing in the home. Make sure that your character is exemplary if you’re to be a good role model for your kids. If you want your child to benefit from more than one or two good role models, then consider less traditional childcare routes. can provide you with a live-in nanny, typically from another culture. This can help your child learn about diversity, other cultures, and beliefs, and can help them grow to be a more accepting person from a young age.

Unconditional Love

You can never show your kids too much love. They need to know that they’re loved no matter the circumstances. The best way you can demonstrate love is through action. It should be noted that there is a difference between loving and spoiling your kids. Kids that are loved are not necessarily spoiled. They are aware that there are consequences for their actions. Some people call it tough love but it is loving all the same. Sometimes parents complicate things. It could be as simple as giving them hugs and spending quality time. Research has shown that kids that are loved are likely to do well in school compared to those who are not shown love.

Firm and Supportive Parenting

According to studies, babies will have around 100 million brain cells when they’re born. The neurons are responsible for the connection between thoughts and actions. The connections are responsible for thoughts and feelings which make up one’s personality. Children need to be supported at all times. When there are negative experiences, the kid will not grow up with confidence which is crucial for their development.

Safe Haven

Your child doesn’t know anyone else to turn to in case there are experience challenges. He or she needs to be assured that they can always reach out to you in case of any problems or difficulties. Kids that are raised by parents who are emotionally responsive grow up to be well-rounded individuals.

Talk With Your Child

Communication is important when interacting with your kids.  It is crucial that you’re talking to your kid on a regular basis. Remember communication is a two way and you’ll need to listen to them too. Encourage eye contact always so that kids don’t grow up being shy when talking to other people. One of the important reasons for communicating with your child is to help the brain integrate with other functions of the body.

Look at Your Well-being

For you to be a good parent, you will also need to pay close attention to your well-being. You want to have a seamless experience as a young parent and there is always something you can do to improve. You never know if getting the best baby glass bottles will make your life easier in different ways. Taking care of your well-being ensures that you’re level headed as raising kids can be challenging. This will require that you’re taking care of yourself both physically and mentally. It is also crucial that you’re strengthening the relationship with your significant other so that you’re becoming good parents.

Never Spank

You might be tempted to spank the kids out of annoyance. That will only bring short-term compliance and will not address the real issue at hand. It is not the right way of teaching your kid to differentiate between right and wrong. Research has shown that children who are spanked more are likely to get into fights. You don’t want to raise a violent kid whose behavior is your own doing. There are other ways of disciplining your kid which are more effective and less destructive. It is possible to be loving and firm at the same time provided you’re doing it the right way.


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