Top tips on remote working from Airband as businesses look to work differently in the wake of Coronavirus crisis
Analysts and digital experts have been predicting a sharp rise in remote working and now the rapid spread of Covid-19 is a catalyst for this change as it pushes remote working up the agenda.
Internet service provider, Airband specialises in rural and hard-to-reach areas and many of its customers already successfully work from home (WFH).
Airband customer Rebecca Pearse works remotely from her home in Dartmoor National Park for an American software firm.
“I really enjoy the flexibility of remote working and I think I deliver more as a result of working in this way. It’s definitely a great option with many benefits and I’m a huge advocate,” she said.
Rebecca has shared her top three tips for anyone who may find themselves WFH in the coming weeks.
#1: Have a routine
This is the most important of all. I do a work-out early every morning to get in the right mood for work. Then I check LinkedIn and emails, before grabbing a cup of tea and heading to my office to start work. I go upstairs for a coffee at 11am and then I get back to work. I tend to have lunch at my desk. I spend chunks of time on one thing rather than trying to do lots of things at once. For example, as I am head of demand generation, I will spend time on LinkedIn. I will then spend some time speaking to prospects. Of course, there are times when you get knocked off routine, but if you have a fairly set base routine you’re halfway there.
#2: Have a dedicated working space
Having a dedicated working area really helps. It doesn’t have to be an office - it can be the kitchen table, but it does need to be free of clutter. It can’t be somewhere where lots of people are walking past! I don’t think it works to just have your computer on your lap. Finding a dedicated space can be hard over the school holidays or when the kids are off. Sometimes you have to shut the door or tell kids the area is out of bounds.
#3: Stay connected
Staying connected with your team makes all the difference. Some people use Skype and if you’re working with a corporate company then Microsoft teams is a good tool. I work for Upland Software, which is head-quartered in Texas and I keep in touch with my colleagues via Microsoft Teams, or by picking up the phone. I’m also on a WhatsApp group with certain colleagues so we know where everyone is and what we’re focused on at that point. I probably speak more with my colleagues and have more interaction now than I would if I was office-based.
Airband HR director, Miranda Peel, said “Just as with other threats to business, it’s so much easier when a business is prepared in advance. We provide connectivity to a large number of people who work from home and we are expecting that number to grow - not just because of the current Covid-19 threat, but also a natural growth that reflects the growth of digital connectivity in rural areas,” she said.
“We wanted to give people some top tips for home working in case they suddenly find themselves in this position and we are very grateful to Rebecca Pearse for sharing her insight and experience,” said Mrs Peel.