Save the TAAG Arts & Community Centre - Crowdfunder Extended!
The TAAG Community Centre was created from a derelict commercial garage 10 years ago and since then has been serving the local community with arts and well-being workshops, galleries and related facilities.
The Council planned to demolish it as part of their development plans but strong local support led to the building being offered to TAAG to buy.
This was agreed and fundraising was progressing well with half of the estimated £200k needed raised by the middle of March. Then the pandemic restrictions hit and all our fundraising stopped. As a result, we have had to switch our efforts to a Crowdfunder campaign to raise the remaining funds.
People have kindly donated £16k (including gift aid and direct donations) up to 27th May and so we have extended the crowdfunder to 24th June, aiming to raise the minimum that will allow us to reopen and to support the local community when the pandemic restrictions are lifted.
We need your help to ensure that we can reopen - by sharing our Crowdfunder page on social media, by email etc and/or by contributing. We are a registered charity and the TAAG building will be held in trust for the community when the purchase is completed. Thanks for your help.
Access our Crowdfunder page here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/help-to-buy-taag
Appeal video: https://youtu.be/YYDppT0fE3g
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TAAGCIO/ and FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/112441592153389/
Teignmouth Arts Quarter (a 2016 short film by Viv Wilson MBE): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqkQ8Ti80DY&t=