Latest bus timetables available online
Bus passengers are able to access the latest timetable information on “e-booklets” published online.
The timetables, covering all of the districts across the county and all service operators, have been published online on Devon County Council’s Travel Devon website.
The information is the most up-to-date available, but service times can change.
The website has information on changes to services. However, passengers are asked to please check with bus and train operators before travel, or visit Travelinefor more information on bus services which are currently running.
Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for transport, said: “Due to the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown measures causing disruption and frequent changes to bus services, the decision was made not to produce the annual printed booklets this year. However, we wanted to remind people that all of the information has been made available online in the form of e-booklets which is a cost-effective and helpful option which enables us to keep the information up to date for passengers.”
For all of the timetable information go to https://www.traveldevon.info/bus/timetables/
Links to all timetables are available on this interactive bus map https://www.traveldevon.info/bus/interactive-bus-map/