Businesses urged to sign up to 'prepare for Brexit' webinar
Businesses in Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset are invited to a FREE webinar to hear from experts about preparing for Brexit in less than five weeks’ time.
Deal or no deal, after December 31, 2020 any business that trades with the EU must follow new rules.
The webinar is being presented by Better Business for All, a partnership of businesses, business support and regulators across Devon and Somerset and is on Friday 11 December, at 10am.
The webinar will offer practical guides on a range of issues including the new UKCA mark, which replaces the existing CE mark, and food labelling changes with speakers from Devon, Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards Service.
Suren Thira, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce, will talk about their latest research and give an insight on the latest Brexit developments and how businesses are preparing.
Businesses are also encouraged to watch previous webinars and look at the Brexit resources available.
Councillor Rufus Gilbert, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Training, said: “No ifs, no buts, after December 31 any business which trades with the EU that isn’t prepared will be at a severe disadvantage.
“After that date, they will have to follow new rules and we advise that businesses take steps to ensure that they know of the changes and are prepared and ready.
“This includes subscribing to UK Government’s email updates about any additional arrangements and attending this webinar.”
You can book your tickets for the EU Transition webinar for businesses at Eventbrite.
Businesses can also access the previous webinar held on November 20 on YouTube. The topic of this webinar discusses what changes businesses can expect after December 31.
Speakers are from organisations including the National Farmers Union, the Federation of Small Businesses and the Heart of the Southwest LEP.
You can also find the latest UK Transition Resources on areas including the new tariff schedule, immigration, exporting goods including live animals, EU Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number, labelling and packaging on the Growth Hub website.
To support business preparations the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has hosted a series of free webinars.
Businesses can click on a sector or topic. The webinars are available to watch on demand.
Additional guidance is available on the UK Government’s transition website.