Jack and the Beanstalk - Online panto
Peter Duncan presents Jack and the Beanstalk: The Grand Family Pantomime
13 Feb 2021 — 20 Feb 2021
Ticket £25 per household with unlimited access for the week!
Our theatres find themseles in unexpected times with the great festive tradition of the family pantomime cancelled in many towns and cities across the land, but riding to the rescue, to make sure that panto-loving audiences don’t miss out on this special experience is 'Blue Peter' legend Peter Duncan with his biggest and best "Here's One I Made Earlier" challenge!
Peter, a critically acclaimed Panto Dame, Writer and Director, has decided to use his own massive back garden to film JACK AND THE BEANSTALK a socially distanced pantomime complete with ingenious sets, fabulous costumes... and even a real beanstalk!
You're promised boos, hisses, ‘he’s behind yous', a sing-a-long song and all the classic panto antics that we all love.
Giant Blunderbore is in a terrible rage. He shouts from above threatening to eat any villager who won’t pay their rent. Poor Dame Trott has to sell her precious cow ‘Buttercup’ and sends her son Jack to the cow market.All he comes back with is a worthless bag of beans. Jill, the grumpy Squire's daughter is kidnapped by the Giants dogsbody Fleshcreepy and taken to the castle in the clouds.
Will Jack be the hero, climb the beanstalk, rescue his girlfriend and save the world from the human chomping ogre. Only the magical Garden Fairy knows the answer to that….
Join in and enjoy this new online planet-saving pantomime packed with songs, laughter and great spectacle.
Click here for tickets.