5 Powerful ways to protect yourself from negative energies
We're almost in the middle of 2021. After all that we've been through in the past year, don't you think we should feel glad and extremely grateful for making it this far, for being alive? But ironically today, we feel rather more desperate than ever. It feels as if we're constantly plunging into a deep well of hopelessness as if our inner black-hole is consuming us - slowly but gradually.
In fact, it won't even be an exaggeration to say that these days, even the brightest of mornings fail to kindle the spark of glee in us. But what is the reason behind this? Is it just the widespread terror of the pandemic that managed to get the better of us?
Try taking a nostalgia trip and you'll realize how life before Covid used to be somewhat similarly morose. That cause, everyone's facing a lot of negativity around them. Be it people or situations, there's just so much negativity in the air. So, here are 5 tips to help you:
1. Understand this - it's not your duty to fix everyone and everything
This is one of the most important things to take note of. Do not fall into the trap of emotions - it is not your duty to fix every ruined situation or relationship. Sometimes, you need to let go of some people out of your life to actually understand why things never fell into place.
And come on, here's the harsh truth - no matter how much you want someone or something, if the Universe conspires against it, there's hardly anything you can do about it. But then again, in the grand scheme of things, everything eventually makes sense. However, right now, you've got to let go of the negativity.
2. Too much drama is your cue to leave the situation
Again, a very, very important tip to take care of. Let's just face it - drama is a genre that only looks entertaining and intriguing on the movie screen. It shouldn't be something that's a part of your daily life.
Besides, how exhausting it is to fight over silly things on a daily basis, despise the same situation daily?! So, take this tip and abandon the situation or the person who's stirring a lot of unnecessary drama and chaos in your life. Trust me, you do not deserve that kind of negativity in your life!
3. Look out for what you can do rather than blaming the situation
There are always two ways of responding to a given catastrophe - you either run from it, or you do something about it and learn from it. While running away from your problems and despising the situation seems a tempting idea, the truth is, it is not an apt way to deal with the problem.
The moment you start taking steps to fix the problem is the moment negativity starts returning to dust. Besides we all know - a problem not faced is a problem delayed, which means you let the negativity thrive rather than uprooting it - once and for all.
4. The path of spirituality will lead you to mindfulness
Words of the wise - do not take the power of spirituality lightly. When the situation seems to be too overwhelming to handle, sometimes the best you can do is leave everything at the mercy of the almighty. And trust me, believing the supreme always helps.
So, if at the moment you're in a situation where the negativity is just too much and has gotten the better of you, just pray to the lord to fix things. Visit a Planetshakers Church in Melbourne and give your soul the dopamine of calmness that it needs.
5. Stay close to nature, off on social media
Last but never least, this tip is a pill of precaution you must take for not letting negative energy in your life. Believe it or not, but social media has more negative effects than positive ones. In fact, it is even safe to say that half of the negativity in an average person's life arrives because of social media.
There are many reasons behind this, some of which even you must be aware of. So, stay off it and spend more time in nature. Let nature surprise you, relax you and fill you with positivity.
Over to you…
Having negativity in our life is bad in many aspects. So, the earlier you try removing it, the better your quality of life becomes. Here, we stated 5 tips to protect yourself from negative energies. This guide is sure to help you.