Exeter School hosts inaugural Education Festival
Exeter School is delighted to be hosting its first Education Festival on Saturday 25 June. The festival, which is framed around the concept of ‘Character Education’ will provide teaching professionals, parents and academics with the opportunity to discover how we can use this approach to ensure our children flourish throughout their school life and are ready for productive lives beyond.
Character Education focuses developing a child’s inherent character, and how schools have a role to play in helping them shape who they are. By providing a guiding force in the way they learn the value of civic, moral, intellectual and performance virtues, we are naturally supporting them to live healthy, positive lives where they will flourish and naturally want to contribute to society.
The festival, which will be held at Exeter School, will run from 8.30am – 4.30pm and will feature guest speakers Sir Anthony Seldon, a leading contemporary historian, educationalist, commentator and political author who was Master of Wellington College until 2015, British Paralympian Claire Harvey OBE, diversity consultant Maia Thomas and Rebecca Tigue, an expert in Character Education who leads a renowned school of character.
Head of Exeter School, Ms Louise Simpson, said: “This is a truly wonderful opportunity to enhance our knowledge of Character Education, and the impact it has on our young people. It was vital we opened the event up to other professionals, and parents to ensure this wisdom is widely shared so we can continue to support our pupils, and other local children to carve their own identities and create the moral and philosophical tools they require to thrive, and to be valuable members of the community in their later lives.”
To register your place please visit http://bit.ly/EdFest22. For more information please contact conference@exeterschool.org.uk