Talented QE student is a top 5 finalist in UK-wide competition
Year 11 student, Nell Eastman, has reached the top five of a prestigious UK wide competition, Kickers Collective.
Kickers Collective is an ambassador programme, which aims to help remove barriers to entry into the creative industry.
Nell now needs to submit a piece of social content, in her own style, using her Stage 1 finalist prize, Kicks and Kickers Clothing, that she received for her incredible initial entry which is attached with this press release.
Five cities have been chosen, Bristol, London, Brighton, Glasgow and Manchester, with each of the five finalists representing their closest city. Nell will be representing Bristol.
Once all the nominees’ final pieces of social content are uploaded and tagged @kickersuk on either IG or TikTok, we will run a vote on Kicker’s IG Stories @kickersuk for you to decide who will become the Kickers Collective representative for each of their chosen cities.
This vote will take place at 9am on the 13th July and will close at 9am on the 14th July.
Following the public vote, the Kickers Collective Representative for each city will be announced at 5pm on the 15th July on our IG & TikTok social channels.
QE Art and Photography teacher Sandra Elson said “We are so proud of Nell. To get this far in a fiercely competitive, creative, UK wide competition is an incredible achievement. We would love for the whole school, and wider, community to get behind her and vote for her on the 13th July!”
Details of how to vote, alongside links will be published on QE’s social media channels next week.
Winning representatives, from each city, receive an incredible one week of tailored, paid work experience, with the Kickers Head Office in London, alongside shoes and clothing. Kickers will also help winning city representatives to build their professional portfolio by commissioning live briefs to create content, which are then published across Kickers online and social channels.
Queen Elizabeth’s is part of the Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust: www.tedwraggtrust.co.uk. To read more about the school please visit: www.qe.devon.sch.uk or contact Queen Elizabeth’s on 01363 773 401.