What to organise when moving house

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted Friday, October 21, 2022 - 6:51am

Get organised before moving house and the experience will be so much smoother. Everything has its place ­– from smart packing to admin. But it’s important to get things in order. The complexities of moving house are on the radar for many of us. As of April 2022, approximately 367,000 households in the UK wanted to move to another home.


With so much to consider, it’s no wonder finances are one of the biggest stresses when moving house. The process forces you to evaluate what you can and can’t afford. So, it’s important to gather and file all your relevant documents. And do a stock take if you haven’t already done so. You want to make sure that you’ll be in a comfortable financial state both before and after moving. To help budget for possible renovations, you could also consider improving your credit score.


To make life easier, coordinate your utilities so that they’re as close to being set up as they can be on the day you move in. Get dates booked as early as possible, as the waiting list can be lengthy for utilities, such as Wi-Fi. Not ideal, if you need to seamlessly WFH once you move in. Other tasks include dealing with your energy supply. ­­­So, inform your electricity and gas supplier that you’ll be moving and take smart meter readings. It’s recommended that you start setting up utilities three weeks before your moving date.

Pack smart

When packing and unpacking a large quantity of items, make sure that you can find things. To help with this you can categorise your belongings by room, with labelled boxes. This way you can distribute the items into the correct rooms on the day you move in – then it’s just a case of unpacking. Acquiring a collection of boxes in the weeks before your move is another tip.

The paperwork

Don’t overlook the simplest admin tasks in the rush of a house move. Changing your address is often a legal requirement, but it also makes things so much easier. Nobody wants their parcels delivered to their old address! Other admin examples include registering for council tax, updating the electoral roll, and changing driving licence details. Don’t forget to give your new address to your employer either!

Have you moved house recently? Share your hints and tips with us below!

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