Toys of Innocence and Experience
‘Toys of Innocence and Experience’ - the art show that WANTS visitors to play with its exhibits!
In this show toys are used as a vehicle for satire and social comment. Either by playing with them, or on close inspection, participants discover that these toys aren’t so innocent. Indeed, some of the twenty-five toys in the show might possibly be found to be disturbing, or even shocking. At the very least they cannot be described simply as sculptures. They are more like stimulators for the formation of thoughts - thoughts about society and the world we live in.
Free and suitable for all ages from 8 years upwards
‘Toys of Innocence and Experience’ is an example of what the German artist Joseph Beuys termed ‘social sculpture’. He passionately believed that art must have social value. Indeed, incorporated into the exhibition are various posters, leaflets, and memorabilia associated with this influential performance artist, sculptor, teacher, and social activist.
The designers of the show, Paul Cooper and Cliff Gorman, will be on hand throughout the day to discuss issues that arise either from engagement with the toys or, indeed, from the Beuys’ ideas that underpin the show.
For those wishing to learn more about Beuys’ work, Cliff Gorman will be giving a multimedia presentation at 1.30pm which focuses on Beuys’ concept of ‘Social Sculpture’ and its significance for the world today.