Tea-Time Assortment Concert

Authored by emmap
Posted: Friday, April 26, 2013 - 10:38am

Whimple Church is the venue for a fundraising concert this Sunday afternoon at 3pm.

The concert is raising funds for Clyst Vale Community College student, Sam Palmer, who is travelling to Cambodia in July with Camps International.

While he's there, the team will carry out community work in a rural Khmer village. During his stay, he will live as part of the community and work on a number of projects designed to improve the living standards of the community. He will also take part in environmental projects such as a re-forestation programme. To add to the adventure, the team will go on a trek through the jungle, whilst promoting eco-tourism.

The concert will include singers from Cantilena, Orchard Harmony and Whimple School Choir, as well as solo & ensemble pieces, including the newly named Diminished Seven.

With a very varied programme and refreshments for sale in the interval, it promises to be a great way to spend Sunday afternoon.

Tickets are £4.00 for adults, U16s free, available from Whimple Post Office & at the door. For more details, phone 01404 823083.

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Whimple Church

Event Date

Sunday, April 28, 2013 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm