Police in Exeter ditch uniform to tackle shoplifting
Neighbourhood police officers in Exeter have taken part in a successful Shoplifting Safer Business Action event (SaBA) to tackle the problem of theft from retailers in the busy city centre.
The recent operation aimed to raise awareness and focus on the issue which causes local shop workers and owners a financial headache. The plain clothes action day was a success with officers ditching their usual police uniform to blend into the mix of shoppers.
Andrew Sharman, from Exeter Business Against Crime, said: “The shoplifting action day saw policing at its finest with crime being disrupted and businesses positively engaged to illustrate that the police are working hard to protect our city.”
Police worked in partnership with EBAC, who operate the council CCTV control centre and provided uniformed street security contractors visible presence, as well as security staff for the Guildhall shopping centre.
Sergeant Andy Walton, who heads up one of the Exeter neighbourhood police teams, commented: “Our officers worked closely with stores which have Loss Prevention Officers to identify and deal with suspects. They also went into a range of stores who are signed up to the EBAC scheme and may not have Loss Prevention Officers – this was to positively engage with them and reaffirm our joint working with EBAC. We ensure that loss prevention advice is passed on and remind the stores of the benefits of using the EBAC radio system to share information and request help if necessary.”
Andrew Sharman, from Exeter Business Against Crime, added: “On behalf of Exeter Business Against Crime, we are committed to supporting our colleagues from Devon & Cornwall Police in their mission for safer communities.
“Bringing together businesses, policing, private security providers such as SWL and TSS (who kindly supplied a high visibility presence), and the excellent team at the Exeter City Council CCTV Centre demonstrates how vital partnerships are in addressing crime and anti-social behaviour not just within the businesses but the community as a whole."
The results were as follows:
- Thirteen people were dispersed under Public Spaces Protection Order powers. These are organised by local councils and mean that recipients cannot return to the area for a given period of time.
- Four PACE (Police & Criminal Evidence Act) searches were carried out for being in possession of stolen goods, two of which were positive. The individuals will be charged and summons to court at a later date. A third search was also positive but the store decided on taking civil action instead of criminal prosecution.
- A man was stopped and questioned in relation to selling illegal tobacco on Exeter High Street. The tobacco was seized and the offender was dispersed.
- Officers responded to seven calls for assistance from stores signed up to EBAC.
- A person was arrested for being wanted by police after failing to appear at court following three shoplifting charges for offences in Exeter. They were remanded in custody for the next available court session.
Sergeant Walton, explained: “We noted that later in the day some offenders left the main shopping areas - this was clearly visible on the CCTV system and showed the deterrent effect the operation had. Our partners were pleased with the action taken and we will look to run another day like this again in future with EBAC.”
For further updates relating to Exeter officers please follow Exeter Police on Facebook.
If you witness a shoplifting offence or have other crime information to pass on to police officers please call 101 or visit the Devon & Cornwall Police website to report Report | Devon & Cornwall Police (devon-cornwall.police.uk)