Carols in the Cathedral - with a note of history
Over two nights in December, the voices of Exeter Philharmonic Choir will be joined by well-known historian Dr Todd Gray, adding a historical note to the choir’s popular Carols in the Cathedral.
Dr Gray is compering the concerts at Exeter Cathedral on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th December, blending the festive music with his own reflections on Devon Christmases, past and present.
The glorious voice of soprano Milly Forrest and the brilliance of trumpeters Cameron Todd and Fraser Tannock will add extra sparkle to the evenings’ performances.
The 100-strong choir will sing carols both traditional and modern, conducted by Musical Director Howard Ionascu and accompanied by Associate Director Stephen Tanner on the organ and piano. There will be the opportunity to begin the festive season in joyous fashion by singing along to a few seasonal favourites. Exeter Philharmonic’s Choir’s Christmas concerts usually sell out, so book a ticket early to ensure your place!
Dr Todd Gray says, “Exeter Philharmonic Choir is the oldest choir in the city and in the county. I’m looking forward to doing the honours with some enlightening and, hopefully, amusing anecdotes from my book about the customs practised in Devon in Christmases past and how they have evolved into the celebrations we know today.”
Milly Forrest says:“Christmas has always been my favourite time of year. It’s a time when we are reminded about the importance of family, generosity, sacrifice and above all, love. I am honoured to be performing with the Exeter Philharmonic Choir again in such a sublime setting.”
Donations received at this year’s carol concerts will support local charity CEDA (Community, Equality, Disability Action), which empowers disabled people so that they are connected, happy and seen.
Tickets from exeterphilharmonic.org.uk