How successful can your business become?
Do you know how successful your business could be? There are many businesses (including successful ones) that struggle to measure their success and what more they may be able to achieve in the future.
Attendance on this course is highly recommended if you want to be more successful in business. Look at what Exeter Business Owners have had to say below! One of the key aspects of understanding a businesses’ potential is for those involved to understand its true purpose. It is also important for all business leaders to understand where their business sits and what metrics they are going to use to measure their strategic progress.
Every business progresses along a generic journey to success, do you know where yours is, as it progresses from a small to a medium size organisation and what are the potential challenges you could be facing if you aspire to break into the corporate level?
This session is aimed at any business leader who has an ambition to succeed, no matter what size business they are involved in.
Phil Sampson, has a proven track record of developing business success from SME's to Multi National Corporations, attending this session will enable business leaders to:
- Understand how to define their business success
- Recognise where their business currently stands
- Recognise, deal with and recover from failure
- Measure strategic progress
- Recognise the organisational journey and pre-empt some of the more predictable generic problems
"I have just taken part in a workshop run by Phil and I want to record here how much value he gave us all. I was amazed by how much Phil crammed into two hours and by the number of light-bulb moments that I had! Phil is clearly hugely experienced at what he does and offers a fount of knowledge and, just as importantly, great stories and examples to make it all stick. If you get the opportunity to join one of his seminars or courses, I would strongly recommend that you do so!"
Julia Bramble, Business Growth Advisor Exeter and North Devon
Date: Thursday 30 May 2013
Time: 7.30am - 9.00am including a Southernhay House luxury breakfast! Venue: Southernhay House, 36 Southernhay East, Exeter, EX1 1NX
Places limited so early booking advised.
About Phil....
Phil Sampson joined the Royal Marines (RM) from Nairobi, Kenya in 1978, commanded HQ and Charlie Companies in 40 Commando and has been responsible for HR and personal development in the Royal Marines.
He taught leadership to RM and RN young officers and later to RN Commanding Officers prior to assuming command of their ships. A counter terrorism expert, he served in Whitehall during the 9/11 attacks and was later seconded to the Security Service, where he was prominent in the setting up of the Government’s Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre.
He commanded the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines before commanding Royal Marines Tyne and becoming a board member of the NE RFCA.
He attended Staff College at Camberley in 1991 and Ashridge in 2000. He is a qualified coach and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management. As an expert in counter terrorism Phil Sampson has lectured in the UK to senior police officers, in Switzerland to NATO and partner countries, in the US to the wider intelligence community, in Norwayto the North Atlantic Security Council and in Greece to the various security agencies prior to the Athens Olympics.
Phil left the Royal Marines in 2009 to pursue opportunities elsewhere. He is a founding partner of Sampson Hall an organisation that delivers success to modern businesses using lessons drawn from both his military career and his experience in both Government and business. Sampson Hall have successfully delivered Strategy and Governance packages into various businesses both large and small, local and international.