Time to go fishing - for your own equipment!
If this is your fishing equipment, the time has come to catch it and carry it off!
The nets, floats and weights have been stacked without permission at East Devon District Council’s Camperdown depot in Exmouth.
EDDC has been happy to turn a blind eye until now, but with improvement work now planned it all needs to be removed.
The Council is now politely requesting that whoever owns the equipment makes arrangements to have it removed before 31 August 2013. Anything remaining after this date will have to be disposed of without further notice.
“Unfortunately the equipment will now be right in the way of improvement work planned at the depot site,” said an EDDC spokesperson, “Owners are welcome to come and collect it at any time – no questions asked!”
Camperdown Depot is located off Camperdown Terrace, next to Imperial Recreation Ground and at the head of Camperdown Creek.