The incredible story behind a pair of blue boots
These are no ordinary pair of boots, and not for the reasons you may think.
The fact that they are blue makes them stand out from most footwear of a similar nature, for sure.
But what is quite extraordinary about this pair of boots is the woman who wears them.
Robyn Steward has a condition called prosapagnosia which means she does not recognise faces, but recognises people by their shoes!
Because of Robyn’s physical disabilities, she needs to wear boots, and her visual impairment makes bright colors easier to see, hence her bright shiny blue boots.
Also, since she doesn’t recognise her own face in photos and can’t always see her shoes, she wears her purple sparkly hat.
Robyn’s difficulty with co-ordination makes a paint brush hard to use, so instead, she paints with her fingers. Robyn tries to change every negative into a postive and encourages others to do the same.
Robyn also has a total of ten disabilities, including Asperger’s.
Despite her challenges, Robyn lives independently in London, and has built up her business to high acclaim.
Her activities include speaking about autism at the House of Commons and frequently in the national and international press, as well as on radio and television.
Robyn also helps to change government policies and raise awareness for people on the Autistic spectrum, as a National Autistic Society (NAS) Ambassador.
I was privileged to meet Robyn recently when she spoke at a seminar organised by one of my clients and was instantly won over by her.
What on the surface appeared to be a somewhat flamboyant dress sense belied a much deeper and truly inspirational story.
Not only had she created an image that is instantly recognisable, she had turned her difficulties into a trademark and found a neat solutions to issues that most people would use as excuses not to get on in life.
A truly remarkable pair of boots and a truly remarkable woman.
Find out more here www.robynsteward.co.uk