Lockdown project: ‘How-to’ create a pot  water fountain in a few easy steps

Lockdown project: ‘How-to’ create a pot water fountain in a few easy steps

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Sun, 05/31/2020 - 5:34pm

YOU CAN now create a water feature in your outdoor space using a new simple free step-by-step ‘how-to’ video guide available online thanks to one of the UK’s leading water garden product companies.

The video, which is part of a series, shows how to create a pot water fountain, which is a self-contained water feature, using either a purchased or home-made receptacle.

Development Manager at Blagdon, Andrew Paxton explained: “Using our easy-to-install new Liberty 200 mains-free, solar-powered pump you can make the water feature you’d like, anywhere in your garden, whether a...

Interpet & Blagdon officially launch free online diagnostic tools for aquarium & pond keepers

Interpet & Blagdon officially launch free online diagnostic tools for aquarium and pond keepers

Authored by Reporters
Posted: Sun, 05/31/2020 - 5:27pm

TWO OF THE UK’S leading aquatic brands have officially launched online diagnostic tools for people social-distancing and self-isolating at home to get expert advice from the safety of their sofas.

Westcountry-based aquarium specialist Interpet and its sister brand, Blagdon, which creates products for garden pond keepers, have formally unveiled tools designed to help people cutdown on non-essential trips away from home.

Adrian Exell, Development and Marketing Manager at Interpet, says: “Our indoor aquatics’ tool has been designed to help users diagnose common fish and...

National Bus Pass use to revert to standard operating times

Friday 5 June will be the last day that National Bus Pass holders in Devon can use their passes before 9:30am.

Pass holders in the county have been able to use their pass at any time of day following the temporary relaxation of restrictions in the county in March to help people during the coronavirus pandemic.

However, as more people return to work and social distancing needs to be maintained on bus services, early morning bus capacity is needed for commuters.

Travel with the National Bus Pass will revert to the standard operating times from Saturday 6 June -...

The pandemic won’t stop education for Repton School students

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Sun, 05/31/2020 - 6:20am

How schools can embrace technology to offer continuous learning support during the lockdown.

School closures are having a huge impact across the UK (and around the world), especially for students preparing for their GCSE and A Level exams. A horde of pandemic-related challenges has swarmed through educational institutions, leaving parents, teachers, and students asking: Can we expect students to sit through hours of remote classes? What about students who don’t have access to the right technology? How can teachers monitor student progress? Will parents have to step in as teachers...

Freemasons keep taking the tablet

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sat, 05/30/2020 - 9:51pm

Despite being one of the people being categorised as vulnerable Ian Kingsbury JP. the leader of the Devonshire Freemasons felt it was his duty as a freemason and a caring member of society to engage with those who are even more in need than himself. Ian organised to meet (at a safe distance) Claire Walker the business manager of Cadogan Court, the Masonic Care Home in Exeter where he presented her with five Sagem Electronic Tablets for use by the elderly residents to help them maintain contact with their friends and families during their self-imposed lockdown due to the risks of infection...

Westcountry author writes 'Tales From The Lockdown' to raise money for Hospice UK

A well known Westcountry journalist and writer has used the power of his pen during the lockdown to raise money for a health charity. In doing so, newspaper columnist Martin Hesp believes he is the first person to write a book filled with stories which focus solely on the coronavirus lockdown and to publish the work while the pandemic continues. “I wrote Tales From The Lockdown in the first 30 days after the nation was told to stay at home,” says Martin, who is Editorial Director of RAW Food and Drink PR. “It is subtitled Six Short Stories of Rural Life Written During the Coronavirus -...

9 Ways To Make Your Vacation As Cheap As Possible

Something that we all look forward to, regardless of our age, is vacation time . It’s a chance to unwind, see something new, have fun, and create everlasting memories for yourself and your loved ones alike. However, the fact of the matter is, not everyone has the luxury to take vacations simply because they cannot afford it. The good news is that there are ways to get around this and have a vacation within your budget.

This is why we’ve made a list of the best 9 ways to make your vacation as inexpensive as possible.

Rvs and pop-up campers

Renting out an RV is really...

Concerns raised over anti-social behaviour on Dartmoor

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Fri, 05/29/2020 - 6:28pm

As the warm weather continues and lockdown restrictions are eased, Dartmoor Rangers have seen a rise in irresponsible and abusive behaviour as people visit the National Park.

Barbeques and open fires, despite the high fire risk, piles of discarded rubbish including discarded barbeques, parking blocking people’s drives and farm gates, social distancing forgotten, are just a few of the things witnessed.

The Authority today reiterated its appreciation and thanks to the vast majority of people who were doing the right thing, appreciating the special qualities of the National...

A short guide to increasing security in your business

Every business owner worries that their property or online presence might not be secure enough. The options for security are as long as the arm, but with a short guide to set you in the right direction, security can begin to be improved.

  1. Physical Security

Presuming your business has a physical presence, such as an office or a high-street outlet, securing it effectively is your first priority. Good lighting and CCTV are a good place to start to deter intruders during the hours that you aren’t there. When it comes to surveillance cameras, try to position them...

Lightfoot launches First Notice of Loss service to fleet managers

Lightfoot, the award winning in-vehicle technology and driver rewards platform, has launched its First Notice of Loss (FNOL) service to the fleet sector, alerting fleet managers to incidents and accidents, helping to enhance Duty of Care to drivers of fleet vehicles.

The new service, which is available as an add-on to Lightfoot’s range of services, sends notifications within ten minutes of an incident, detailing the severity of the incident, the vehicle involved, its location, direction of travel, g-force caused by the incident, the vehicle’s speed at the time of the incident, and...
