LaunchPad victorious with inaugural RICS Social Impact Project of the Year Awards title 

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 9:12pm

RICS (Royal Institution for Chartered Surveyors) has announced the winners of their inaugural RICS Social Impact Awards for the South West, where LaunchPad in Bristol won the esteemed title of Project of the Year.

Over 45 construction projects, who’s entries celebrate their role in transforming South West communities and the everyday lives of people, were shortlisted back in February.

LaunchPad is a collaboration between United Communities Housing Association, University of Bristol, 1625 Independent Living and Bristol City Council and supported by the Bristol Housing...

Maintenance on public rights of way will assist social distancing

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 9:09pm

Devon County Council’s public rights of way and its walking and cycling trails have been proving as popular as ever throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and essential maintenance on routes is continuing.

Seasonal vegetation cutting will start next week (Monday 18 May) as Public Rights of Way Wardens ensure that Devon’s network of paths and trails are kept open and are as clear as possible to assist with social distancing.

Local contractors are also following social distancing guidelines while undertaking the work.

Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council...

Your holiday is on us, Devon park tells crisis heroes

Seventy-five nights of happy holidays have been handed to NHS workers by Devon's Ladram Bay Holiday Park as a "thank you" for their dedication and bravery.

The family business said it wanted to give away a free night's stay for every one of the past 75 years it has been welcoming guests to its seaside park in Budleigh Salterton.

It means that when the park is allowed to re-open, NHS staff and their families will enjoy no-cost holidays both at Ladram Bay and its nearby sister park Castle Brake.

The breaks include stays in luxury holiday homes, chic glamping...

Meet the BBC presenter bringing history alive from his garden shed in Exeter

Authored by Marc Astley
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 8:31pm

He’s a respected historian and archeologist with a number of BBC shows and books to his name, yet when I caught up with him he was in his garden shed… which also turns out to be his office.

Dr Sam Willis will be a familiar face to many TV viewers but what they might not realise is that he lives in Exeter, not far from the football ground.

There are some exciting exhibits on display in the ‘office’ including a Cavalryman's sword and a Viking axe.

When lockdown happened Sam, and his colleague Professor James Daybell, were in the middle of a tour which was bringing...

It’s ‘Virtually’ the Devon School Games

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 3:46pm

Despite the Coronavirus restrictions, Devon’s schoolchildren will still be able to take part in the popular School Games this year. In fact, it’s ‘virtually’ the same as normal!

Active Devon, working with partners, is launching the ‘Virtual’ games which get underway with a Walk, Jog, Run challenge starting on Monday May 18th. Primary School pupils will have 20, 30 and 40 mile targets, while those in Secondary Schools will aim for 40, 60 and 80 miles. All those taking part will be able to compete at home, in the garden, or by adhering to social distancing rules and using safe open...

How to Clean a Boat 7 Pro Tips for Cleaning Your Boat

Authored by Sam Richards
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 10:48am

More people are buying boats than ever before!

Indeed, around 1.25 million new and used powerboats were sold in the US in 2017 alone.

It’s no surprise, either! Few things in life are better than the freedom and exhilaration of exploring open water in your very own vessel. Hit the water for the first time and it’s hard not to catch the boating bug.

But it isn’t all fun and games.

Like anything, responsible ownership involves certain mundane tasks to keep everything shipshape. Boat cleaning and maintenance are at the top of that list!

Knowing how...

Cannabis seeds: the new protein foods

Among our neighbours to the south, the popularity of hemp and its by-products is skyrocketing. Market research has shown that over the past two years, sales of hemp-based food have increased by almost 60%!

This enthusiasm is not yet fully manifested on this side of the border, but it will most likely be soon.

Thanks to some of the best companies and websites, we can now buy cannabis seeds on Sensoryseeds . So, let's get ready to receive this wave and take a look at the subject.

Hemp and marijuana: is it the same thing?

Since a few years now, commercial...

Statistically Ranking The Biggest Football Leagues In The World Today

Authored by Sam Richards
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 10:02am

Football is one of the most universally watched sports in the world. It is no surprise that there is an almost infinite number of leagues dedicated to the sport. The first account of organized football originated in England as early as 1839.

The first league was in the 1860s. With innumerable teams, players, and fans, football is infamous and will live on until the end of humanity in one form or another; the professionals of are dedicated to keeping the game alive as many have before, even making it easier for fans to stay updated on as many leagues as they...

Things to know about Scrum framework

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Sun, 05/17/2020 - 9:32am

The constant development and evolution of technology are changing the way we work and live. Also, the adoption of technological innovations like AI-enabled programs, 5G, mobile and web applications, IoT platforms, blockchain-based systems, Agile and Scrum, has simplified the process of solving business problems and challenges.

Enterprise Agile practices are being fast adopted across organizations, and with it, the demand for Certified ScrumMaster training is on the rise. Scrum is a part of the Agile framework and provides a set of principles, practices, and techniques to...

Natural skin care remedies that might surprise you

Taking care of your skin is about more than looks and vanity. Sure, if we look good, we feel good and have more confidence, but that is only part of the story. Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It works just as hard as other vital organs like the heart and kidneys in protecting you from harmful elements including bacteria, UV rays and lots more.

Like any other organ, you need to keep your skin healthy to ensure it works as it should. Take a look at any beauty magazine and you’ll see no end of lotions and potions being touted, often for eye-watering sums of money. Here...
