animated exeter

Pupils get their own film premiere

Children from Princetown Primary School have enjoyed a unique opportunity to work with Dartmoor National Park and Animated Exeter to create a spooky animation based on one of Dartmoor’s legends.

The animation contains everything you need in a good film – a nasty witch, a hero and a spooky location.

The production began with Ashley Thorpe from Animated Exeter running three workshops with the Year 1 and 2 students, and together with their teachers, working through all the different stages of the film, including the storyboard, making the characters, writing the script,...

Animated Exeter events success

Authored by lamorna
Posted: Tue, 02/18/2014 - 11:46am

Despite the horrendous weather, most of the Animated Exeter events taking place in the city over the past couple of weeks went ahead.

The Valentine's Day weekend saw the culmination of the first week of Animated Exeter with a fabulous light show on Fore Street, directed by Tal Rosner. Unfortunately, the show had to be cancelled on the Friday night due to the storms, but Saturday's performance was absolutely beautiful, with Fore Street being transformed into an interactive cinema, and people flocking to see the spectacle.

On the afternoon of Saturday 15th there was also the...

Great movies for kids this half term

Escape the miserable weather into a wonderful alternative universe of animation this half-term.

Animated Exeter will be screening over 100 animated films from the UK’s young animators, UK graduates and stunning selection of independent talent from around the world in addition to screenings of big movies: from Studio Ghibli’s ‘From Up Poppy Hill’ to ‘Frozen’ and ‘The Wolf Children’.

The international competition ‘Wide World’ to find the best animation for children had an enormous response the results of which audiences of all ages will enjoy on Monday and Wednesday.


Degrees of Animation

Event Date: 
06/02/2014 - 10:00am to 01/03/2014 - 5:00pm
Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Dowell Street, Honiton

An exhibition in partnership with Animated Exeter

Celebrating a new collaboration of the South West's animation courses, the New Year kicks off at THG with Degrees of Animation, part of 2014’s Animated Exeter festival.

Focusing on the work of some of the most exciting new talent to graduate from animation courses across the South West, this year's Animated Exeter exhibition gives an insight into the work involved in producing even the shortest animation. Some of the original models and drawings will be shown alongside the films.

Try your hand at animating in the THG...

New app animates Exeter festival

Digital agency, Rokk Media, based in Exeter, have created Animated Exeter's very own FREE iPhone, Ipod and iPad app to accompany the annual Animated Exeter Festival held on February 10th to 22nd. The app provides an easy and engaging guide to events throughout the festival and beyond, but the real appeal is the smart design and the addition of animated effects to make it a fun experience to use. Susannah Shaw, Festival Director, is delighted by the massive interest the app is generating, “Having our own dedicated app gives a terrific boost to marketing our festival, specially one that is...

Animated Exeter needs Volunteers!

Authored by lamorna
Posted: Fri, 01/31/2014 - 3:19pm

Animated Exeter is looking for sociable, fun-loving volunteers to help with this year's vibrant and diverse festival!

If you love animation and helping organise events, there are some great volunteering opportunities you may love to be involved with. Perhaps you have a specialist skill that would be of great benefit to the team, for example technical or photographic knowledge.

The festival offers workshops, screenings, careers advice, exhibitions and much more, with a hugely varied audience of families, schools, students, animation enthusiasts and industry professionals....

Animate yourselves, Exeter!

Authored by lamorna
Posted: Wed, 01/29/2014 - 2:57pm

Spring is kicking off with a bang this year, with the arrival of the 15th edition of Animated Exeter, running from the 10th to the 22nd February 2014. These twelve days will see Exeter buzzing with exciting and innovative screenings, workshops and exhibitions taking place all over the city. The hugely varied programme of events will appeal to people of all ages, and there is plenty for families to do together too.

This year, Animated Exeter is celebrating its new status as an international animation festival, screening competitive films from around the globe, including entries from...

Animated Exeter

Event Date: 
10/02/2014 - 10:00am to 22/02/2014 - 8:00pm
Various venues, Exeter

February half term sees the return of Animated Exeter, the leading animation festival in the South West.

Screening the best local, national and international animation for adults and children, this popular annual festival offers a host of workshops, exhibitions, events and talks aimed at informing and entertaining a wide-ranging audience.

Animation workshops are offered at all skills levels, providing a fascinating insight into the art of animation.

Animated Exeter welcomes people of all ages and experience.

For information go to or...