The critically-acclaimed production The Ballad of Maria Marten returns to stages across the UK this spring 2022 and comes to Exeter Northcott from 8th – 12th March.
A thrilling retelling of a real-life murder mystery, critically-acclaimed production The Ballad of Maria Marten returns to stages across the UK this spring 2022. Produced by Eastern Angles and Matthew Linley Creative Projects, Beth Flintoff’s captivating drama turns history into her-story through the exploration of love, loss, trauma, and patriarchal power.
The critically-acclaimed production The Ballad of Maria Marten returns to stages across the UK this spring 2022 and comes to Exeter Northcott from 8th – 12th March.
A thrilling retelling of a real-life murder mystery, critically-acclaimed production The Ballad of Maria Marten returns to stages across the UK this spring 2022. Produced by Eastern Angles and Matthew Linley Creative Projects, Beth Flintoff’s captivating drama turns history into her-story through the exploration of love, loss, trauma, and patriarchal power.