Being Human Festival

Help create unique new digital map of Exeter at special city event

Event Date: 
12/11/2022 - 12:30pm
Royal Devon and Exeter Institution, 7, Cathedral Close, Exeter

Citizens of Exeter can help create a unique new digital map of the city containing their special memories.

Experts want help from Exonians to put together the new document at an event this Saturday.

The aim is to chart the places that have personal meaning to the people who live in, work in or visit the city.

The free event, held as part of the Being Human Festival, is organised by staff from the University of Exeter’s Special Collections department and the Devon and Exeter Institution.

It will be held at the Royal Devon and Exeter Institution on...

Help create unique new digital map of Exeter at special city event

Citizens of Exeter can help create a unique new digital map of the city containing their special memories.

Staff at the University of Exeter want help from Exonians to put together the new document at an event next month.

The aim is to chart the places that have personal meaning to the people who live in, work in or visit the city.

The event, held as part of the Being Human Festival, is organised by staff at the University of Exeter’s Special Collections department, home to some of the region’s most important documents and publications. It will be held at the...