Bristol Law Society

Bristol Law Society's Private Client Conference

Event Date: 
30/09/2014 - 9:30am to 5:00pm
Clarke Willmott, Bristol

Members of St John's Chambers' Wills, Trusts and Probate team will be speaking at Bristol Law Society's Private Client Conference at Clarke Willmott, alongside HHJ McCahill QC.

The conference will be chaired by Anthony Fairweather of Clarke Willmott, and will present a wide range of speakers covering topical issues from legal and tax updates, through current planning ideas, and how to work with families in resolving their issues.

Topics include:

  • The Bristol Chancery Court HHJ McCahill QC
  • Wills and capacity update Alex Troup, Barrister, St John’s
  • ...

Law firms and stormy seas: legal, accountancy and regulatory perspectives seminar

Event Date: 
01/05/2014 - 5:30pm
St John's Chambers, 101 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6PU

Many if not most law firms are faced with a challenging operating environment. Many firms are dealing with these challenges and managing the consequent financial risks effectively. Some are not. This seminar focuses on how law firms can interpret the warning signs in practice and constructively engage with their members, stakeholders and regulator to tackle financial risks.

This one-hour hot topic organised by St John's Chambers, in association with the Bristol Law Society, is aimed at members/partners, and those with management responsibility in law firms.

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