Brewin Dolphin, one of the UK’s leading wealth managers with an office in Exeter, said Chancellor George Osborne had delivered a carefully thought-through Budget that balanced the need for spending restraint with measures designed to deliver economic growth. Stephen Ford, Head of Wealth and Investment Management Brewin Dolphin, said: “ Osborne’s ‘Security First’ Budget walked a careful tightrope, balancing carefully-considered welfare cuts with the introduction of the living wage along with other measures that signify Britain is open for Business. The Chancellor gets a thumbs up for...
NewsPoint) –Dublin is braced for protest as Michael Noonan and Brendan Howlin are set to publicly announce the €3.5 billion of spending cuts and tax increases of Budget 2013 with the annual Autumn StatementAlthough today only marks the beginning of the process of negotiating budget measures for the forthcoming year, the speeches made by the ministers, and the expected announces of continued austerity measures.An anti-austerity protest is expected to take place outside the Dáil (lower chamber of the Irish parliament) at around 4pm.
Similar budget announcements across Europe have...
BRUSSELS (AP) — Everyone's drawing lines in the sand, but the leaders are so far apart they might as well be on different beaches.
The European Union heads into a critical summit Thursday to hammer out a €1 trillion ($1.28 trillion) budget through 2020 — and it promises to be one of its most bitter fights in years.
Finding hard cash to prop up European unity has become a political quagmire for leaders facing angry, crisis-weary citizens at home. Complicating the task is that any one of the member states can veto a deal, giving each tremendous negotiating clout, with even...