
Enjoy another virtual day out at The Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth

Following the hugely successful first ‘Sanctuary From Your Sofa’ event on Easter Monday, which reached over one million people, The Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth will be hosting another day of live Facebook broadcasts this coming Bank Holiday Monday (25 May).

The donkey interaction starts at 10am and promises to be another full day of virtual visitor experiences, giving people the chance to catch up with the resident donkeys and the staff who care for them at the sanctuary in Sidmouth.

There will be five 15-minute broadcasts throughout the day, plus a pre-recorded link at...

Pandemic offers glimpse into a carbon neutral future

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 05/21/2020 - 2:21pm

Devon’s carbon emissions have reduced by almost a quarter (23 per cent) during the lockdown new data suggests.

The data has been collected on behalf of the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group (DCERG), a group of public, private and voluntary sector bodies working to make Devon carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest.

It forms part of a discussion paper ahead of Friday’s DCERG meeting and suggests that the reduction in road transport and energy use has had an immediate and profound impact on emissions.

Average traffic flows in Devon have reduced by 60 per cent,...

South West Prays: Thousands of Christians online in prayer

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Wed, 05/20/2020 - 9:21pm

Thousands of Christians and over 25 church leaders from across the South West are taking part in a historic online prayer event in a few weeks’ time.

The event called South West Prays on 31st May at 8pm, could be the biggest prayer event that has ever taken place in the region.

It will see Bishops from Church of England Dioceses taking part, as well as Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Evangelical church ministers, all joining in live online from their homes across the region.

Taking part include:

  • Bishop Nick McKinnel – Diocese of
  • ...

Hendy Group reopens its service centres to the public

Authored by Claire Small
Posted: Wed, 05/20/2020 - 11:50am

Hendy Group’s service centres have re-opened across the south coast including those in Exeter.

The motor group has now opened all of its aftersales departments after initially keeping four sites open for essential maintenance to key worker vehicles.

Hendy has introduced a number of changes to its service centres to ensure all they are in line with Government guidelines. Customers will be given a timeslot in which to come in for their service to reduce the number of people in waiting areas, and all aftersales departments and waiting areas will feature clear signage to...

Marie Curie’s famous fundraising campaign goes virtual to recover devastated fundraising income 

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 05/19/2020 - 11:22pm

Marie Curie’s famous Blooming Great Tea Party is going virtual this year and the charity needs tea party hosts in Devon more than ever before to make up for the devastating effect the coronavirus crisis has had on the charity’s income.

The end of life charity is calling on you to throw a Blooming Virtual Tea Party from home this summer. While staying indoors is the new normal, throwing a virtual tea party is a fun way to stay connected to the ones you love during this time and a great way to support nurses working on the frontline of the crisis.

In people’s homes across...

Under Loch and Quay Inn invites you to ‘Far Away Folk Festival’ for #distantsocialising across the miles

Authored by Claire Small
Posted: Tue, 05/19/2020 - 11:15pm

A mum of two in Torrington, North Devon has come up with an idea to encourage her friends, family and neighbours to take part in #distantsocialising by creating ‘pub-tastic’ family fun in the comfort of their own homes.

After a few weeks of lock down, Jen Cooper had the idea for ‘Getting Together, Miles Apart’ events at her cyber pub Under Loch and Quay Inn , where weekly themes and music from ‘resident DJ’ Silent Streets Collective are shared on the website to connect people with their loved ones and inspire a good time.

“I am so busy in my job for the NHS during the...

Devon Air Ambulance celebrates a year of being an independent healthcare provider

Devon Air Ambulance is celebrating a year of delivering its clinical service as an independent healthcare provider, a development that is helping patients across Devon.

In the lead up to becoming successfully registered with the Care Quality Commission last April, Devon Air Ambulance established a new integrated Patient Services team which combined the core emergency medical team of 23 Critical Care Paramedics and 15 Critical Care Doctors alongside aspects including research, education and training, clinical governance and a Patient Support service.

“Being clinically...

Fundraisers needed for rebrickulous Lego Walk 

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 05/18/2020 - 9:05pm

Caudwell Children, the national charity that provides practical and emotional support to disabled children and their families, is appealing for fundraisers to sign up for its charity Lego Walk, on Sunday 31st May, 2020.

Lego walking has become increasingly popular in recent years with the current Guinness World Record being held by Sonny Molina, from Illinois, USA, who walked 12,696ft 2in over the interlocking plastic bricks.

The team at Caudwell Children say the challenge can be enjoyed by adults and children alike, and that it will give families something interesting...

On-street parking enforcement due to resume

On-street parking enforcement will be gradually reinstated by Devon County Council.

Parking enforcement officers will initially be deployed to areas where issues with increasing numbers of visitors have been raised by communities, Police and local County Council members.

During this first week of returning to duty, penalty charge notices (PCNs) will NOT be issued. Instead, officers will be issuing warning notices to anyone flouting parking restrictions in on-street pay & display, limited waiting bays and residents’ parking areas, in order to allow drivers a grace...

Read all about it! RNIB launches new online library for people with sight loss in South West

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Mon, 05/18/2020 - 10:05am

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has launched a new online library offering people with sight loss in South West instant access to thousands of free books in formats they can read.

RNIB’s new platform already has more than 26,000 titles making it the UK's largest online library of Talking Books – the world’s first audiobooks, which were originally created by the charity for soldiers who were blinded in the First World War.

Funded by voluntary donations, RNIB’s Library service sends out up to 10,000 books per day and lent more than 1.5 million titles...
