I once made friends with a lady on our street based on a conversation about what we had hanging in our windows so when I heard about a successful Advent window project that takes place in Derby each December I jumped at the chance to make it happen in our street. Portland street in Newtown, Exeter lends itself to a project like this as it is a long Victorian terrace with over a hundred houses.
My husband Steve and I run a design and marketing agency, Sfimedia Ltd, from our home in Portland Street and creativity and community spirit have always been important factors in our lives...
This December design and marketing agency sfimedia Ltd have turned Portland Street in Exeter into a giant Advent calendar.
Each day one and sometimes two new window displays will be revealed by residents in the street. The very last window is in The Globe facing Portland Street on Christmas Eve.
Bring your children and walk down the street to see how everyone has joined together as a community and used their imagination to create seasonal scenes.
Follow the event as it unfolds at www.facebook.com/sfimedia