More than 90 businesses have been given some stark facts about the possibility of cyber attacks on their computer systems. Eleven top UK speakers including Europe’s Number One ethical hacker Jamie Woodruff (above) outlined the risks and the realities of being attacked, and provided useful advice on how to conquer the threat during Exeter’s recent Cyber Security Awareness Week.
Mr Woodruff, who is employed by companies to hack into their systems and expose their weaknesses, gave a fascinating insight into the mind of a hacker. His work has included demonstrating the vulnerabilities...
The man who successfully hacked reality star Kim Kardashian’s website and exposed weak links that put her fans’ data at risk, will be in Exeter today (Thurs) talking about his work as an ethical hacker.
Jamie Woodruff (above), still in his twenties, is regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on cyber security. Firms employ his services to identify weaknesses in their computer systems by hacking them. He first caught the public eye when he successfully hacked Facebook as part of a student competition and has since demonstrated vulnerabilities in world players such as...
Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw has praised the city’s forthcoming Cyber Security Awareness Week for leading the war against increasing online crime.
Mr Bradshaw said it was a timely reminder for all businesses to review their online security and prepare for General Data Protection Regulation coming into force in May, requiring companies to change the way they capture and store personal details.
Congratulating Exeter-based Bluegrass Group for organising a week long programme of free seminars and workshops, Mr Bradshaw said: ‘ Cyber Security Awareness Week is yet another excellent...
The cyber attack that affected much of the NHS' services in the middle of May was halted by a local North Devon man.
22-year-old Marcus Hutchins became famous overnight after he accidentally stopped the attack by activating an in-built "kill switch".
Hutchins, who works for an American cybersecurity firm from his home in Ilfracombe and grew up locally, is credited with stopping the spread of the virus. The young computer whizz kid has been acclaimed on social media as an 'accidental hero'.