The Exetreme Imagination Festival comes to Exeter Cathedral!
Together, our aim is to promote creative writing for and by young people, as well as for older generations who wish to reminisce over their own childhood memories and writings.
We are excited to offer a number of workshops and activities over the half term week, hosted by three prominent, local children’s authors who live in or come from Devon.
For more information and to book, please call 01392 413174
Monday 27 October 2014
Fantasy fanatic? Adventure addict? Love reading and writing?...
Two free, family, drop-in and draw events at Devon Guild this half-term. Enter a special creative space in the gallery where you can draw, design and make a Venetian-style Halloween mask and lace-based patterns for a collective wall decoration. Activities include pattern-making, papercutting, stencilling and projection-tracing, and are inspired by our current exhibition intoLACE as part of the Big Draw Campaign for Drawing 2013.
Staff supervision. Materials provided. Drop-in: free,11am-4pm. Under 12s supervised please. No need...
This May half term children aged 5 - 11 are invited to come and experiment with our make-your-own-animation set designed by Animator Leon Cauchois. Design your characters, create them with plasticine and given them life through the medium of film! Young children must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets £5, booking essential.
How many sports can claim to be to be for all the family? Skiing is one of the best of them! Not only because we are all together (children, parents, grandparents) but also because when we play, we discover so much that we create some of the best memories ever.
Memories that are so strong that, when the time will come, our children will bring their own children to the mountains to share with them the incredible experience of the snow world.
Some of you already know, some of you don’t. Some of you are maybe anxious to bring your little ones to the cold and to the snow. Some...