
Americans to mark holiday with family, festivities

Authored by JAMIII
Posted: Thu, 11/22/2012 - 8:35am

NEW YORK (AP) — Airports, train stations and highways were expected to remain busy as people made their way home to reconnect with family and friends for Thanksgiving — although some reunions might be bittersweet because of the damage and displacement caused by Superstorm Sandy.

For some, the once-sacrosanct harvest feast now starts the holiday shopping season — and store openings keep getting earlier. Black Friday now starts on Thanksgiving day itself at many national stores and some shoppers eagerly race from their dinner tables to line up for bargains, delaying their second...

Holiday on Ice bring Speed to Westpoint Arena

Event Date: 
15/11/2012 - 7:30pm to 18/11/2012 - 3:30pm
Westpoint Arena

Holiday on Ice is back with their explosive new show, Speed.

Skaters, dancers and aerial artists from all over the world perform in Speed, a show combining death defying stunts, burlesque, skating, dance and circus. Roaring through the Speed of Time, Love and Money this outrageous show is sexy, fast and full of adrenaline.

A kaleidoscope of scenes powering towards a stunning finale: Speed will captivate you from the start. More dramatic, more dangerous and sexier than ever before, this show seriously raises the tempo. The legendary Holiday on Ice wheel and the famous kick...
