Labour MP Ben Bradshaw

Enjoy a Bring and Share Multi-cultural Lunch with your MP, Ben Bradshaw!

Event Date: 
28/09/2013 - 11:30am
Exeter Labour Party HQ, 26b Clifton Hill, Exeter, EX1 2DJ

An opportunity to meet with your MP, Ben Bradshaw, some Labour Councillors and local Labour Party members to ask questions about local, national and international issues.

This is a multi-cultural event, so it's for everybody, with people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds especially welcome.

Bring your questions and some food to share.

NB There will be no alcohol at this event.

South west announces first renewable energy manifesto

Regen SW has today written to all MPs in the South West, inviting them to pledge to develop a world-leading renewable energy industry - employing 34,000 people by the end of the decade. The pledge is at the heart of the South West Renewable Energy Manifesto, which sets out eight key commitments to put sustainable energy at the heart of our economic future.

The Manifesto is supported by Local Enterprise Partnerships from the West of England, Cornwall and the Isles of Scily, Dorset, and the Heart of South West and sponsored by Liberal Democrat MP Stephen Gilbert, Labour MP Ben...