A riotous comedy cabaret for all ages, shapes and sizes. Astonishing physical skills and orchestrated mayhem. Grab your tickets quick – their previous shows have always sold out.
Uncommon Players presents Educating Rita Educating Rita is simply a marverllous play, painfully funny and passionately serious; an hilarious social documentary; a fairy-tale with a quizzcal half- happy ending.
A nostalgic evening of much loved songs, poems and sketches from the First and Second World Wars. Presented by Nostalgia Incorporated (formerly the Old Bull and Bush Company).
If you are a fan of the West End show The Jersey Boys, then don't miss the chance to see where it all began with The New Jersey Boys, who will take back to this magical time in music, history when four boys from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey, USA invented their own unque sound.Tickets now on sale.
Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular comic opera set in Japan, but satirising British politics and institutions, and presented by the society which was brought you The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, Half a Sixpence and My Fair Lady in recent years.
Starring well known local artistes Sarah-Jane Berry, Debbie Broome, Kathy McLaughlan, Vicky Campbell, John Burgoyne, Steve Vernon, Selwyn Kussman, Nigel Broome and Brian Rees.
7.30pm daily, 2.30pm matinee on Saturday.
Tickets: £14/£10 children in full time education (matinee only).