Red Dragonfly Productions bring the real story behind the legendary Chinese woman warrior that inspired Disney’s films to Exeter's Northcott Theatre on 12 February 2022, in time for the year of the Tiger.
But don't expect a fluffy Disney tale here, this Mulan is visceral. She is a warrior, a fighter, a woman who survived in a very male world for ten years without discovery. There is no perfect make-up, no singing animals, just a gritty story of a soldier.
Theatre company Red Dragonfly has been making East-Asian stories accessible to a British and international audience...
Red Dragonfly Productions bring the real story behind the legendary Chinese woman warrior that inspired Disney’s films to Exeter's Northcott Theatre on 12 February 2022, in time for the year of the Tiger.
But don't expect a fluffy Disney tale here, this Mulan is visceral. She is a warrior, a fighter, a woman who survived in a very male world for ten years without discovery. There is no perfect make-up, no singing animals, just a gritty story of a soldier.
Theatre company Red Dragonfly has been making East-Asian stories accessible to a British and international audience...