over 50s

Advice on second doses for over 50s and other eligible groups

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 05/25/2021 - 11:55am

Second doses of the Covid-19 vaccination are being brought forward for people aged over 50, frontline health and social care workers and people who are in at-risk groups (cohorts 1-9) . This follows the government announcement last week reducing the time between doses for those groups from 12 to around 8 weeks. This is to ensure people across the UK have the strongest possible protection from the virus at an earlier opportunity.

People in cohorts 1-9, who have an appointment before 25 May, should attend as planned.

Those with later appointments will be contacted to make...

Legal & General

Love thy neighbour: Over 50s take the lead in caring for their communities during UK lockdowns

Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted: Tue, 12/22/2020 - 11:19pm

During what has been a year we won’t forget, local communities have been forced to come together and help each other through some of the toughest times many people have ever faced. However, throughout it all, one age group in particular has really stepped up to care for their local communities: the over 50s.

Neighbourhood spirit might seem a thing of the past, but the over 50s have done more favours for their neighbours during lockdown periods than any other age group, with 29% proudly admitting to doing so, compared to only 15% of people aged 20 and under.

The over 50s...

Tesco prizes boost over 50s raffle

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Mon, 12/26/2016 - 10:20am

A team from the Tesco Extra Exeter Vale store donated has donated Tesco gift cards in the value of £100 for this year’s Wonford Community Centre & Learning Centre over 50’s raffle.

Colleagues from the store, in the shopping centre on Russell Way hand delivered the gift cards, as well as various other prizes valued at a total of £100 to the Wondford Community Centre’s raffle, held at the centre on Burnthouse Lane, Exeter. The charity provides activities, clubs and events for the benefit of the local community. Jo Evans, Community Champion at the Tesco Extra Exeter Vale store,...

Young at Heart Club - Exeter

Event Date: 
19/08/2016 - 1:30pm to 26/08/2016 - 3:30pm
St Sidwells Community Centre, Sidwell Street, Exeter

The Young at Heart Club is a for men and woman who are 50 years young or more.

You are welcome to go along if you like music, games, quizzes, fascinating talks, bingo or just meeting people and making new friends.

The club gives people the opportunity to have fun in a relaxed environment. Meetings are every Friday from 1.30pm-3.30pm at St Sidwell’s Community Centre, Sidwell Street, Exeter.

The programme for the next few weeks:

  • Friday 19 August: History of Exeter Theatres
  • Friday 26 August: Barking Mad - dog rescue organisation
  • ...

Young at Heart Club - Exeter

Event Date: 
20/03/2015 - 1:30pm to 27/03/2015 - 1:30pm
St Sidwells Community Centre, Sidwell Street, Exeter

The Young at Heart Club is a for men and woman who are 50 years young or more.

You are welcome to go along if you like music, games, quizzes, fascinating talks, bingo or just meeting people and making new friends.

The club gives people the opportunity to have fun in a relaxed environment. Meetings are every Friday from 1.30pm-3.30pm at St Sidwell’s Community Centre, Sidwell Street, Exeter.

The programme for the next few weeks is as follows:

Friday 13 March: Stroke Association – Their work

Friday 20 March: From Sri Lanka to Exeter

Friday 27...


Event Date: 
21/03/2014 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
St Stephen's Church, High Street, Exeter

Exeter U3A (University of the Third Age) Coffee Morning

All over 50s weclome

Come and join us - because you may be retired but your brain isn’t !

science . philosophy . craft . history . gardening . reading . choir…

The Play's the Thing: The Recruiting Officer

Event Date: 
27/11/2013 - 6:00pm
Peter Chalk Centre, Streatham Campus, University of Exeter

Join our new social play reading group for the over-50s.

We willl get together ahead of Salisbury Playhouse's The Recruiting Officer to read the script over a coffee.

This group is suitable for anyone who loves drama, wants to meet people and get to grips with plays they may not have heard or seen before.

The session will be held in Peter Chalk 1.1 seminar room in the Peter Chalk Centre on Streatham Campus.

Tickets: £3.50 per session (includes tea, coffee and biscuits).

Contact the box office on 01392 493 493 to book.