Kinderkare Day Nursery & Magdalen Court School are holding a Late Summer Fete on Saturday 17th September from 2PM until 5PM.
On the day, visitors can expect two Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, BBQ plus lots and lots more! All money raised on the day will go to our chosen charity of the year: Balloons. Come and join us for lots of fun and games. Everyone welcome - please bring your family and friends!
On Saturday, members of Exeter Enterprise met at Countess Wear School Exeter to assist with its Summer Fete. Our chosen stand was “Pick a Nail” and for a charge of 50p you picked a nail and depending on its colour, chose a prize from either a blue or red box. If you were lucky enough to pick the Gold Nail, then you received a choice of very special prizes.
Overall the day was a great success and the club raised approximately £50.00 towards the plaques for the school benches in its forest garden. We thank everyone who took part and made this event so enjoyable and fun.