
61st LIYSF 2019

Why the need for virtual STEM summer schools?

Authored by LIYSF
Posted: Tue, 02/16/2021 - 6:32am

Even in the post COVID19 world, virtual STEM summer schools would play an important role. Here we discuss some of the advantages of conducting these camps virtually.

Summer Schools and their Benefits

In this connected era, more and more parents, teachers, schools as well as young students all over the world are realising the pros of attending a high-quality summer programme in both the US and the UK. But there are still several who are often unaware of the incredible benefits of these programmes and end up being at a major disadvantage when compared to their peers.


61st LIYSF 2019

62nd Hybrid LIYSF STEM programme

Event Date: 
28/07/2021 - 10:00am to 11/08/2021 - 10:00pm
The University Imperial College & Royal Geographical Society, London

62nd LONDON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE FORUM (LIYSF) The annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) is a two-week residential course hosted at the renowned research university Imperial College London. Our aim is to unite outstanding talent from all nations and provide a deeper insight into science and its applications for the benefit of all mankind. Speakers already confirmed include prestigious scientists, including; Nobel Prize winner Professor James Rothman, Professor Dame Julia King, Professor Martin Rees, Professor Fiona Watt, Professor Saiful Islam and LIYSF President,...

The Big Bang moment is approaching!

Young people from across Exeter will be experiencing their very own Big Bang moment at the South West’s biggest-ever science, technology, engineering and maths fair next week.

Exeter University, which will host the fourth Big Bang Fair South West on June 26, will be a hive of activity as 2,500 students, teachers and guests arrive for a day of education, engagement and competition, backed by the Education Business Partnership – South West.

Nearly 150 student projects from schools across the South West will be on show to be judged by a panel of over 100 industry professionals...