Join Dartmoor National Park Rangers to help look after our prehistoric heritage on Wednesday 7 October 2015.
Dartmoor’s landscape is among the richest in western Europe in terms of its prehistoric archaeological remains. Dartmoor contains the longest stone row in the world and has the greatest number of archaeological sites out of all the UK National Parks. In fact 60% of all stone rows to be found in England are on Dartmoor and 1/3 of all stone rows in the UK and Brittany are on Dartmoor.
The day will involve a continuation of work previously begun to ensure the multiple...
Teignbridge District Council has reaffirmed its commitment towards creating a safe, sustainable and authorised gypsy and traveller site at Haldon Ridge.
The Executive confirmed a funding agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) will be signed in order to draw down the £1.12 million in funding that will pay for a 15-pitch permanent site next to the unauthorised but tolerated facility.
The Executive’s meeting in Forde House, Newton Abbot considered matters that would resolve and safeguard against any potential financial and funding risks posed to Teignbridge as a...