South Street Baptist Church

Twins celebrate a golden jubilee

Fifty years ago the City of Exeter twinned with the German town of Bad Homburg.

During the intervening years many friendships between various groups in both locations have developed and grown. One of these is the strong link between Exeter’s South Street Baptist Church and Bad Homburg’s Free Church, the Evangelisch Freikirchliche Gemeinde.

In this golden jubilee year a party from the Bad Homburg Church is travelling once more to meet with their South Street friends who are looking forward to welcoming some familiar and new faces. Willkommen liebe Freunde zu einem goldenen...

Speed Dating meets Freshers Week for U3A Birthday Bash

There was quite a buzz when Exeter U3A celebrated the 30th birthday of the national third age movement.

Over one hundred of our four hundred members joined the celebration at South Street Baptist Church on Tuesday 13th November. This included a chance to share experiences of our many interest groups with other individual members - a chat for two minutes and then move on, speed dating-style.

Our newly formed choir gave their debut performance. A special birthday cake was cut and members enjoyed refreshments while touring displays representing the many...

South Street Baptist Church invites you to explore the meaning of the cross

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 04/08/2014 - 9:44am

Cheering crowds. Waving scarves and banners. A city brought to a halt. Well that describes the welcome marking Exeter Chiefs victory parade through Exeter for a Civic Reception in the historic Guildhall to mark their winning the LV Cup. Well done them!

A similar scene took place long ago at the start of the Christian church’s Holy Week, when a young teacher called Jesus rode into Jerusalem on an open topped donkey to be welcomed by cheering and celebrating crowds. Supporters everywhere can be fickle and when the crowd’s expectations failed to materialise it didn’t turn out well....

Exeter and District Mencap Society’s Carol Service

Event Date: 
09/12/2012 - 6:30pm
South Street Baptist Church, South Street, Exeter

The annual Exeter and District Mencap Society’s Carol service will be held at South Street Baptist Church on Sunday 9th December at 6.30pm.

The carol servcie will be followed by refreshments.

The Exeter and District Mencap Society supports those with a learning disability treating each as a valued member of society together with their families and carers. It is a continuous, big task performed by big hearted people who demonstrate a wonderful and patient care. They enable people with learning difficulties to make their own contribution to life. Indeed, at the carol service...