
A textile exhibition to raise your spirits

'Off the Surface' exhibition captures a passion for embroidery

Saturday 20 May – Sunday 9 July At Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Bovey Tracey, Devon TQ13 9A 'Off the Surface' is a collaboration between the Devon Guild of Craftsmen and The Royal School of Needlework (RSN), London. This new textile exhibition showcases contemporary, hand embroidered work inspired by treasures from the past. It draws upon a world-renowned collection of 2,500 unique and priceless embroidery pieces, held at the Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court. The Collection also includes 60,000 designs,...

Exhibition: Off the Surface - the art of hand-embroidery

Event Date: 
20/05/2017 - 10:00am to 09/07/2017 - 5:30pm
Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Riverside Mill, Bovey Tracey

A collaborative exhibition showcasing the art of hand embroidery, old and new. Degree students from The Royal School of Needlework have produced contemporary, hand-embroidered work inspired by treasured textiles from world renowned archives at Hampton Court Palace.

The exhibition features surface designs such as appliquéd garments, wearable sculpture, 3-D stitched drapes and hangings alongside historic purses, collars and lacework - offering a rare opportunity to see the past revived in a contemporary fashion. Main Gallery. Free entry, open daily 10am-5.30pm

Stitch, Sew & Hobbycrafts

Event Date: 
25/09/2014 - 9:30am to 28/09/2014 - 5:00pm
Westpoint Arena, Exeter

The much loved Creative Stiches & Hobbycrafts show is back, but this time is back with a brand new name! Stitch, Sew & Hobbycrafts comes to Westpoint, Exeter from the 25-28 September.

Share your passion for crafting with like-minded creatives and meet the experts who are sure to spark your imagination.

Discover the latest supplies from more than 180 exhibitors with the very latest products, ideas and innovations from the crafting world.

Make sure you visit Stitch, Sew & Hobbycrafts , Exeter this September. With so many fantastic features, inspiring ideas...