New research from THINK! shows that while half the population (51%) would not consider consuming any alcoholic drinks before driving, a shocking one in ten people would consider having two or more drinks before they get behind the wheel. This increases to one in five among men aged 18-34 (19%). The government has launched a new campaign to tackle drink driving, targeting those who do not recognise that even a small number of drinks before driving can be deadly. It urges everyone to THINK! before drinking and driving. New adverts highlight how a second drink can double the chance of being...
Artist Rosalie Schweiker will work with Spacex to imagine a future art institution. Users of Spacex, from artists and community groups to the wider public are invited Drink & Think.
Following on from our many formal and informal discussions about the future of art institutions, we'll be hosting a pub crawl in Exeter.
As we walk from pub to pub, we'll be scribbling ideas on beer mats and meet local culture producers along the way. Meet at Spacex at 7.30pm. This event is for 18+ only. Some parts of the pub crawl might be recorded for a radio programme.
It's been 50 years since the THINK! road safety campaign was launched and road safety officers in Devon are reminding people of the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol.
In Devon during 2012 and 2013 there were a total of 3,529 recorded injury collisions. Of these, 148 collisions, including seven deaths, were as a result of road collisions where alcohol was recorded as being a contributory factor.
Ali Morrish from Exeter lost her daughter Anna in 2008 when she accepted a lift home after a party from a driver who had been drinking. She was killed aged just...