Are the thirty 'toys' made by local artists and artists from further afield really toys or are they art?
Is this a Toy Shop or is this an art exhibition?
These beautifully made products are made using the visual language of traditional toys.
These playthings may seem harmless enough on the outside but, scratch the surface, and there's a serious, possibly even disturbing, message just waiting to be discovered.
Eight people have today been arrested after a series of successful warrants were carried out in Plymouth and Cornwall as part of a major investigation into human trafficking and modern slavery. Search warrants were executed this morning, Tuesday 16 September, under the Immigration and Asylum Act at five properties in Plymouth and one address in Bodmin. Police arrested eight people, five women, aged between 26 and 34, and three men, aged between 35 and 37, on suspicion of trafficking people into the UK for the purpose of labour exploitation and on suspicion of money laundering. They remain...