
Police safeguard 68 people in Devon & Cornwall in County Lines operation

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 10/13/2022 - 4:15pm

As part of a national week of action targeting county lines drug dealing, officers safeguarded adults and children who were identified as vulnerable or at risk.

County lines refers to a crime where drugs gangs exploit children and vulnerable adults using them to courier drugs and money from the gang’s base to customers in towns across Devon and Cornwall. Sometimes the gangs are based locally and sometimes nationally. The gangs use mobile phone messaging and social media platforms to advertise drugs for sale.

Activity took place across the length and breadth of the force...

Cyber Security for Education Seminar

Event Date: 
09/02/2017 - 9:30am to 1:00pm
Exeter Science Park Centre, EX5 2FN

Ransomware. Safeguarding. BYOD. Reporting.

Join Taurus and Fortinet for a morning seminar at Exeter Science Park Centre on 9th February focused on Cyber Security for the Education Sector. The event will have talks on the hottest security topics and open forum discussions with Fortinet’s technical experts.

Fortinet is the only company with security solutions for network, endpoint, application, data centre, cloud and access, designed to work together as an integrated and collaborative security fabric.

Aimed at IT staff, safeguarding officers and head teachers, the...