3D printing

Coronavirus: How can 3D printing help?

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Mon, 04/20/2020 - 11:03am

There are already many great examples of companies turning their normal manufacturing practices into something that can help the fight against coronavirus. Top of the list is making medical equipment and particularly PPE or personal protective equipment. But can 3D printing from both expert companies like Protolabs and keen hobbyists also help with the problems created by Covid-19?

The PPE shortage

Currently one of the biggest issues for health workers, care home workers and those on the front line of dealing with coronavirus is the shortage of PPE. But 3D printing experts are...

3D cloning of RAMM's collections

Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) and Exeter Library’s FabLab are collaborating to see how 3D printing technology can be used to replicate objects from the museum's collection.

Interested by the potential of printable replicas to increase visitor engagement and generate revenue Tony Eccles, curator of Ethnography, started investigating 3D printing technology. The FabLab at Exeter Library now makes scanning and 3D printing accessible to the local community and local institutions, including RAMM.

Ethnography meets 3D printing - Selected for their beauty and...

3D printing is everywhere around us

Authored by katehird
Posted: Tue, 12/18/2012 - 4:20pm

3D printing is everywhere. Watching television just this week I saw Will-i-am’s new music video Scream and Shout ft Britney Spears, which includes a section of the 3D printing in action, building a human face before the viewers’ eyes. With the media picking up on this exciting new method it is clear 3D printing is bursting onto the scene and is becoming ever more popular.

What’s more, Exeter is a centre for developing this 3D printing. Exeter Phoenix’s annual Digital Art Commission has partnered up with University of Exeter’s Centre for Additive layer Manufacturing (CALM) to bring...