
Help research into reducing alcohol consumption

Authored by AmyMcAndrew
Posted: Tue, 01/06/2015 - 3:49pm

Researchers at the University of Exeter are looking to recruit people who consume more than the recommended UK guidelines for safe drinking to take part in a psychology experiment targeted at understanding alcohol consumption.

The experiment:

  • Has been approved by the University of Exeter ethics committee.
  • Will involve a one off session that will take roughly one hour to complete.
  • Will be undertaken at the University of Exeter.
  • Is a computer based task.

In thanks for undertaking the experiment we can offer participants £...

Tisdale's experimental side fails to score in finale

Authored by JAMIII
Posted: Sat, 04/27/2013 - 5:41pm

Report: Chesterfield 4 Exeter City 0

Exeter City’s 2012/13 campaign came to a disappointing end at the Proact Stadium, as hosts Chesterfield ran out 4-0 winners.

The Spireites hadn’t posed any more of a threat than the Grecians when the first goal came – a thunderbolt before Marc Richards headed in a second and Jack Lester converted a penalty that he won himself before the interval.

Lester completed a brace just before the 60-minute mark after beating the offside trap, completing the scoring for Chesterfield.

Paul Tisdale opted for something of an...

Help research into reducing alcohol consumption!

Event Date: 
22/01/2015 - 9:00am to 30/01/2015 - 12:00pm
University of Exeter

Researchers at the University of Exeter are seeking to recruit people who consume more than the recommended UK guidelines for safe drinking to take part in a psychology experiment targeted at understanding alcohol consumption. The experiment: · Has been approved by the University of Exeter ethics committee. · Will involve a one off session that will take roughly one hour to complete. · Will be undertaken at the University of Exeter. · Is a computer based task.

In thanks for undertaking the experiment we can offer participants £8 for their time, in addition to the chance of earning...