Chris Lorimer from South West Growth Service shares his advice on driving business growth with consultant support in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
“Business consultants can help bring additional expertise in areas where your business needs a boost - whether its defining the strategy, sales and marketing, operational improvement, or funding your growth. They will be able to offer a valuable alternative perspective and a good one will help you think strategically - moving you away from the detail of the day to day - and, ideally, holding you accountable for achieving long...
Llewellyn Nicholls from Rokk Media shares his advice on why a mobile website is critical in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
“Google released a major update which penalised websites which were not mobile optimised, this means that any website which is not responsive will lose ranking points” says Llewellyn.
To find out more contact Llewellyn via email at or call him on 01392 424300
For more expert advice sharing videos, visit the In a Nutshell YouTube channel
Dan Wiseman from Wiseman Media shares his tips on selling online with Shopify in Bitpod's latest In a Nutshell video.
Dan talks about how to get yourself started on Shopify and the importance of having a website that works on all devices, Dan also talks about using social media as an excellent platform to post about your products, your industry and your company culture.
To find out more contact Dan via email at or call him on 01392 581 748
For more expert advise sharing videos, visit the In a Nutshell YouTube channel:
Bitpod's Alex talks about what to consider when preparing to make an expert video guide. He shares his expertise on preparing for filming, topic selection and script writing. When it comes to choosing a subject, 'Consider searching likely topics on Google or YouTube, looking at the autocomplete options below the search box, or for more advanced options you can use dedicated search analysis tools' Alex advises.
Alex talks about how effective short advice sharing videos can be for creating a head start over your competitors.
Colette Dinnes from Phillips Dinnes Accountants shares her advice on the topical new tax on dividends. She discusses the impact that the new tax will have on small businesses who have, to date, been encouraged to operate as limited companies because of the favourable tax treatment of dividend income and how this is going to change from April 2016.
Colette comments that 'from the 6th April 2016, part of the advantage will be lost and tax payers who receive a significant part of their income in the form of dividends will suffer a tax increase'.
In the latest In a nutshell video local business expert Nicky Dunn from Mango Personnel explains recruitment and retention.
Nicky explains the best way to tackle recruitment and the best way to ensure you retain them “Have you taken on the wrong member of staff and its been more hassle than its worth? Recruiting and selecting the right staff, at the right time, for the right roles, is fundamental to the success of your business. Therefore the quality of your staff and the range of their skills, knowledge and qualifications, are the key elements to successful recruitment”
In this video local business expert James Orpin from Tozers Solicitors explains shareholders agreements.
James explains what shareholders agreements are and what you should consider when putting one in place “A key employee is issued shares or granted an option for shares to incentivise them and promote their loyalty. In this scenario, provisions should possibly be included which can force them to transfer their shares should they cease to be an employee. A common question is whether there is a standard form of shareholders agreement. The short answer is no, each one is drafted...
In this video local business expert Peter Weeks from Daneswood Solutions explains how to get the best out of your web design company.
Peter explains what you need to do before choosing your web design company and gives great tips on what you need to look for when choosing the right company “If you're looking to have a website developed, then most people will ask more than one company to provide a proposal for a site, so make sure that you write a detailed brief about your project and make sure that all companies get the same brief so that their responses can be consistent and...
In this video Carly Renaud from Deafinitie interpreters explains the different avenues of support you can receive if you are considering hiring a deaf member of staff.
Carly also explains the access to scheme “Access to Work supports employers in meeting their obligation under the Equalities Act 2010 to make and anticipate reasonable adjustments for disabled employees and to ensure that they are in no way disadvantaged. The scheme will provide funding for communication support for a Deaf applicant in the form of a registered qualified interpreter during an interview process,...
In this In a nutshell video, Tim Wadsworth from Space discusses why you should plan your lease renewal early.
Tim explains what could happen if you leave it too late and gives tips on what you should do to renew your commercial property lease. “Ideally you should start making plans eighteen months before your lease expires.
Business tenants normally don't have the right to renew the tenancy of their business premises when it comes to an end. In this case your landlord can ask you to leave.