Step One supports people to manage their mental health, achieve employment goals and live more independently.
We encourage people to take a first step to being in control of their future and fulfilling their potential.
Our services include mental health crisis care and recovery, and one-to-one mentoring in employment and independent living skills.
We work with a diverse range of people who may have a mental health issue and/or a hidden disability such as an autism spectrum condition.
Our staff work in the community and at our dedicated facilities including a newly refurbished hospital and supported living residences.
Part of our approach is considering a person’s wider wellbeing which could be affecting their mental health, their ability to work or be a part of their community.
We have many years’ experience in providing specialist support and want to do this in the most effective way so we research and trial new approaches.
Our diverse services are commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions, South Devon and Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group, Devon Partnership NHS Trust, and local authorities.
We are a charity supporting people in the South West and have a head office in Exeter.
Step One was previously known as St Loye’s Foundation and its subsidiary Community Care Trust (CCT).
The two charities merged in 2015 because of increasing recognition of the links between support for people with disabilities and mental health conditions.
Content by StepOne
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