ExIST Quarterly Event - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of Digital Currencies
The next ExIST (Exeter Initiative for Science & Technology) event will take place on Thursday 19th July 2018 at Sandy Park.
This event will explore the good, the bad and the ugly of digital and crypto currencies such as 'Bitcoin' and how digital technology such as Blockchain is impacting on businesses and the individual.
Speakers at the event will include:
Julie Hawker - Joint Chief Exec of Cosmic
Julie will be Chairing the event as well as introducing the topic, and talking about the wider context of cryptocurrencies as well as providing an overview of the technologies and how they are evolving.
Steve Wang - Emerging Technology at RBS / Natwest
Steve will be discussing the development of Crypto Assets and what they mean for business and the individual.
Andrew Oldland - Head of the Financial Services team and Head of the Regulatory team at Michelmores
Andrew will be speaking to attendees regarding legal and regulatory angle of digital currencies for businesses.
Chris Empson - Financial Investigator in Serious & Organised Crime Branch at Devon & Cornwall Police
Chris will be providing an overview of the criminal threats posed by digital currencies, providing examples of cases investigated and explaining what his team's capability is from a cyber and financial investigation perspective.
The cost for this event is £15 (Inc VAT @ 20%) and is open for all to attend.
To pay by card, please click here or alternatively call the Exeter Chamber office on 01392 431133.
Places have to be booked in advance to confirm attendance.