Free Business advice with Cartridges Business Hub
Looking for business advice with the personal touch? Come and drop into Exeter Library on the second Tuesday of each month 4-6pm to network, get advice on starting or growing your business or developing your business idea from our range of expert business advisors.Cartridges Business Hub in collaboration with Exeter Library is providing a regular drop-in business advice service to businesses starting up or growing on the 2nd Tuesday every month from 4pm to 6pm.
You can book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/free-business-advice-cartridges-business-...
Cartridges Business Hub gives you access to free initial business advice and signposting to a range of vetted and trusted expert business advisors on a range of subjects. Library staff will also be on hand to advise and assist with a wide range of free business start-up resources. Examples of the type of expert advice available:
Business planning, setting-up, trading terms and conditions, invoicing, debt management and other legal issues, sourcing funding and grants, product development and design, IT start up (basic website design, domain name and email), accounting, marketing and using social media, employing people, insurance, patenting/intellectual property and telephony.
Cartridges Business Hub provides on-going support to your business as it grows and changes with our full range of business experts. Exeter Library provides the ideal location for Cartridges Business Hub drop-in as it has been transformed to include bright open spaces with convenient meeting rooms. We will be located next to the Library Business & Information Hub on the ground floor.
For further information call: 07769 271651 or 07791 870585 or, email:dana.mulligan@cartridgeslaw.co.uk