All Fun at Easter Fayre at Beacon Heath
Beacon Nursery, a day care nursery in Beacon Heath are looking forward to welcoming families across Exeter to their easter fayre on Saturday, March 19th 10am - 2pm.
The fayre will have something for everyone from Easter Hunt to Glitter Tattoos and more.
Jonathan Cordery who is Social Media Officer at the nursery says this
" It will be a family fun filled day with plenty of activities for children, its also an opportunity for families who are looking for childcare to see what we offer, our staff will be happy to show you around our nursery. An environment where children learn and grow. The money raised will go towards two sets of double doors to our baby rooms to open into a light well and create a large open space."
So if you are wondering what to do on Saturday 19th why not head to Beacon Nursery, Beacon Lane, Beacon Heath, Exeter EX4 8LZ