Woodland Fun Weekend
Woodlandfun Forest School will be joining us for a couple of days of wood craft, fire craft and lots more.
Have a go at willow weaving, or see an expert from Serious Outdoor Skills demonstrate fire by friction, find out how to make nettle soup or natural cordage.
Other activities include:
Bug Spot - Come and see who lives on the forest floor, look and learn with the big terrainium.
Wildlife Signs - Take a look at the display of woodland creatures, learn about tracks and feeding signs.
Demonstrations will take place at noon and 2pm in the Pleasure Garden.
The Exeter Woodcarvers who are responsible for our lovely new Nature Trail will be in our Nature Nook demonstrating their woodcarving skills so pop by and see their creative works of art too.
These activities are all included in your normal Castle admission.
For more information visit www.powderham.co.uk