Half Term Activities
Half Term Activities
Thursday 19th to Saturday 21st February 2015
One Hut Full
One Hut Full is a touring, multi-sensory, thought-provoking experience that explores the history of Dartmoor hill farming – inspiring hope, innovation and change for the future. The project looks in particular at the Whiteface Dartmoor sheep.
Come and visit us on the Cathedral Green between 19th and 21st February, find out information about the process of building the hut and the creation of the installation as well as opportunities for you to get involved. Weather permitting you might see some sheep too!
Find out more: www.onehutfull.org
Thursday 19th February 2015, 10.30 – 13.00 (Chapter House)
Craft Activities
To coincide with the Chinese New Year being the year of the sheep, we will have a selection of sheep-related crafts, including pom pom sheep, badges and face painting.
Drop in session. £1.00 per craft (payable on arrival)
Call 01392 413174 or email education@exeter-cathedral.org.uk
Friday 20th February 2015, 10.30-12.30
Felting Workshop
Make a countryside scene or design your own shapes and outlines for your felt square. Your finished product could be used as a wall hanging or cut up to create a broach, finger puppet or maybe a pencil case.
Limited spaces, booking only. £4.00 for the full session (payable on arrival). Ages 6+.
Call 01392 413174 or email education@exeter-cathedral.org.uk